Myanmar’s apparentrecovery from military rule to a flourishing democracy was accelerated by PresidentThein Sein when he declared that all political prisoners would be released bythe end of 2013 and that a ceasefire with ethnic groups could be possiblewithin weeks. Indeed, Myanmar has too much to lose if the domestic instability threatensits transitional efforts as it has taken the world a long time to trust its slowpace of reforms. Indeed, time has come to convert good will Myanmar has earnedwith hard work into a lasting peace for its people.
Myanmar’s apparentrecovery from military rule to a flourishing democracy was accelerated by PresidentThein Sein when he declared that all political prisoners would be released bythe end of 2013 and that a ceasefire with ethnic groups could be possiblewithin weeks. Indeed, Myanmar has too much to lose if the domestic instability threatensits transitional efforts as it has taken the world a long time to trust its slowpace of reforms. Indeed, time has come to convert good will Myanmar has earnedwith hard work into a lasting peace for its people.
Myanmar has taken awell calculated journey to the roads of democracy, peace and development. Yet,the experience may not be so happy all the time but it is worth giving itspeople the right to choose their destiny. Nothing will change without puttinghard work and patience. Myanmar can be a bright example how pluralism anddemocracy can work together.
In fact, much hasbeen done in the field of political reforms and democracy since President TheinSein took to office after the 2010 elections which saw military rule replaced bya military-backed civilian government.
Many politicalprisoners have already been freed and media restrictions have been relaxed. Keyopposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s party, the National League for Democracy,which boycotted the 2010 elections has rejoined the political process.
The internationalcommunity has appreciated the Myanmar government’s efforts and relaxedpreviously held sanctions against it. However, at the same time, crime andviolence against the minority ethnic and rebel group has severely made thestability factor little complicated which has put Myanmar at a very embarrassingspot.
However, the recentrenewed communal violence between Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims is animmense cause of worry not only for Myanmar, but the international community aswell.
With the Humanrights watchdogs condemning the violence, the pressure has built on Thein Seingovernment to put an end to the ongoing conflict. The government must realizethat unless a permanent solution is found to the problem of these groups, suchviolence will threaten the peace and stability in the country.
This issue needs tobe tackled quickly otherwise the gains made over the years will vanish ifviolence and instability continue. Some pessimists are out to question these contradictorydevelopments such as peace and violence moving together. But they need tounderstand Myanmar has just started the journey. Therefore, it will need moretime to settle.
At the domesticlevel, it is very important that Myanmar needs to be stronger and Myanmarpeople and government must find their identity to make their country proud atall level. Thus, the spirit of nation building must be reinvigorating with arenewed commitment.
Thus, people must focuson progressive things such as more political freedom and freedom of press,rather than regressive issues from the past like socio-economic problems andhuman rights violence.
In addition, Myanmaralso goes into election in 2015. Going by the trend that Suu Kyi may win, thenthe military must downplay its hard line approach and open ways for a moremoderate and accepted approach if it wishes to remain in power.
At the internationallevel, if the domestic issues can be managed to a satisfactory level, then thereforms could give rich dividends and consolidate further its position in theASEAN to enjoy Free Trade Agreement with ASEAN member countries to continue toreap the benefits of the newly lifted economic sanctions.
Countries like US,UK, Japan, China and India have flocked to Myanmar to nurture trade, investmentand military ties as each has realized the strategic importance of Myanmar.
Myanmar needs suchinvestment for social and economic development for its people who have been thevictims of political power tussle for so long. The new constitution hasretained considerable power for the military and it must be exercisedcautiously, only when national interests are at stake.
In such a scenario,the importance of a moderate leader like Thein Sein is high because theinternational community can engage well diplomatically with the government. Inaddition, human rights activists are also able to speak out for justice as thegovernment has become more responsive to public opinion.