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CASS-India has been working on African issues since 2007 and it has six dedicated researchers who are working on such an important continent that is going to be the future of the world. In fact, CASS-India started looking at Africa differently and always gives importance to the capacity building of African nations.

Today, Africa is providing almost 37 per cent resources for global development and it is going to increase in coming decades. The power rivalry is also going to grow. That will at times further complicate political stability in the region. Thus, CASS-India is focusing on this continent by paying greater attention. Here are the issues we are looking at:

A) Future of Africa and African Union role
B) Power rivalry in Africa
C) US policy towards Africa and AFRICOM
D) China’s growing influence in Africa
E) India’s engagement with Africa
F) Japan’s energy and mineral needs in Africa
G) Governance issues in Africa
H) Somalia and anti-piracy operations
I) Mali and stability in West Africa
J) Problems in Congo
K) Energy security
L) Conflict management and peace building efforts of African nations
M) Water crisis and climate change impact
N) Resource hunt in Africa
O) Economic competition in Africa
P) Large scale migration
Q) Gun running and money laundering
R) Impact of Arab spring
S) Al Qaeda and Sahel region
T) Managing Gulf of Aden and sea piracy