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About Us:

Outfit Profile:

The Centre for Asian Strategic Studies – India (CASS- India) is a Delhi-based privately run independent think-tank that investigates, researches and analyses issues involving military, diplomacy, terrorism, anti-piracy, nuclear issues and strategy concerning India, China, Japan, ASEAN, Australia, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bhutan, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Central Asian nations, Gulf countries and African nations.

CASS-India works on Afro-Asian security issues and its research and professional interests range from South Korea to Morocco. It has MoU, institutional cooperation, special agreements and research partnerships with more than 30 outfits across the globe.

The Centre has divided its core areas of expertise and focus areas of activities into seven different regions South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, South East Asia, Africa, Indian Ocean and Asia-Pacific region.

CASS-India expertise:

However, CASS-India also focuses on non traditional security threats and deals with a wide range of topics such as large scale migration, climate change impact and food security.

CASS-India, being a registered trust and having its Board of Trustees, is primarily into three areas of activities such as General Research, Training and Conference. Till end of September 2013, the organization has organized more than 45 domestic conferences and 22 international conferences to its credit.

Established in March 1999, indeed, it came into effect in March 2002, and funded through self generated resources, grants, paid consultancy and custom project works, CASS-India produces futuristic studies and quality research papers produced by exclusive information time-framed to suit policymakers, governments, diplomats, defence and security establishments, think tanks and transnational corporations.

CASS-India also conducts training program known as ITP (International Training Program) under Advanced Strategic Studies Course every year to update the participants about changing dynamics of geo-politics in the Afro-Asian region and countering those challenges. The ITP is open to government officials, diplomats, defence personnel, NGOs, experts and defence industry officials, universities and students of Indian and foreign nationals.

Besides, CASS-India organizes seminars and interactive sessions and implements special projects for governments, institutions, individuals, companies and NGOs.