Training Profile
CASS-India offers two types of training to a wide range of candidates who keep interests in geo strategic matters and conflict resolution issues. Every year, CASS-India offers group training program under its ITP, held in New Delhi, India. One is International Training Program (ITP) and Overseas Training Program (OTP).
Today, due to its rising profile, the ITP is the most coveted training program being run by our center. We are receiving candidates from various governments, militaries, ministry of foreign affairs, officials of national security, universities, NGOs and foreign think tanks.
While the ITP deals with current affairs, geo strategic issues, futuristic threats, non-traditional security threats, military groupings, geo economic issues, energy security, power rivalries, modern technology, cyber warfare and out space threats, the OTP deals with chosen curriculum provided by interested parties.
All our 42 experts work out a specially designed curriculum for our client and impart the training in the host country for a period of one week. This is basically a crash course in which the Center issues a certificate to each candidate at the end of the program. This is helpful to all those working on such issues.
CASS-India training program is unique due to some special aspects as our study material is generated by our own in-house staff who are working on these issue regularly. We share their findings and their expertise with the candidates participating in our training activities. That is totally different from recycled material available in the Internet or other types of public information system.
Both the ITP and OTP draw their main strength from the research made by our regular staff, yet we also hire affiliated experts, our associates and guest lecturers from various fields who have required expertise to enrich the program wherever it is necessary. CASS-India training program is best known for its rich information and analysis, apart from all this it provides a high quality platform for direct interaction on various issues to give an alternate view point to any topic of interest.
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