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US should work for multi-polarity under new world order

INTRODUCTION: The United States should urgently work for bringing a global consensus to strengthen multilateral institutions and either replace or substantially reform the United Nations (UN) to establish a new world order. The rule of law is sliding past quite dangerously. Apart from P5, the US needs to work with other emerging powers who can contribute substantially to this endeavor. But unfortunately, the existing powers are unwilling to wide open space for other emerging powers.… Read More »US should work for multi-polarity under new world order

Multi-polarity is new global order

SHUBHRA SHARMA/MILITARY ANALYST INTRODUCTION: The era of uni-polarity is over. This is going to bring an end to American hyper super power status which the country has enjoyed for more than three decades after the fall of Soviet Union and end of Cold War. Now, any further attempt by the United States to retain the same status might prove negation of history and resisting the cycle of power matrix. There is no doubt American decline… Read More »Multi-polarity is new global order

Iran could go nuclear to change power balance

GHINWA PISSAROCI/Strategic Analyst INTRODUCTION: Despite peace efforts and diplomatic engagements to find a solution to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, there is hardly any tangible result. The fiasco at the UN, another theatre for mediation, clearly points to lack of sincerity. It gave an impression that diplomacy is all about lies but in a polished manner. Thus, the present situation is going to warrant a bigger crisis to subdue the ongoing crisis in the West Asian… Read More »Iran could go nuclear to change power balance

Saudi Arabia should provide leadership in this crisis

AYESHA ABDULLAH /Strategic Analyst INTRODUCTION: The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza could spread to the entire Middle East and North African (MENA) region if timely steps are not taken. While some countries in the region are more interested to escalate the situation to ripe personal benefits out of the fragile military conflict, others are posing as bystanders to evaluate the situation before choosing any side. But it is a right opportunity for… Read More »Saudi Arabia should provide leadership in this crisis

West Asia instability may become more complicated

Ayesha Abdullah INTRODUCTION: The ongoing flare up in the West Asian region in the form of Hamas-Israel conflict could spread further and bring more geopolitical uncertainty. The action of Hamas in the present round of flare up is barbaric, inhuman and responsible for vitiating the already volatile situation. This has weakened the Palestinian cause to a great extent, if not entirely. While Hamas has weakened President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank region, it has… Read More »West Asia instability may become more complicated

Canada issue is a pressure tactic to choose side

INTRODUCTION: The India-Canada relations have touched its all-time low. It is not that big an issue except some war of words which will subside in couple of weeks. In reality, they had hardly any special relationship historically, nor anything special for future due to incompatibility. Carefully, the selective West has chosen Canada, a tail ender in the team, to be used in the game to test the pressure resistance threshold of India. This suits Canada… Read More »Canada issue is a pressure tactic to choose side

Making G20 another UNSC could be a disaster

MONALISA VERMA/MILITARY ANALYST INTRODUCTION: The recently concluded G20 event in India followed by a detailed Delhi Declaration document has come at a time when the world is getting divided into camps like the Cold War era. The declining powers and ascending powers need to find a middle path to resolve most of the pressing issues the world is facing today. This time it was visible that emerging economies and Global South have scored a victory.… Read More »Making G20 another UNSC could be a disaster

Collapsing world order to ignite future conflict

MONALISA VERMA/MILITARY ANALYST INTRODUCTION: The global order based on rules and precedents is fast collapsing due to conflicting interests pursued by top ranking powers like it happened just before the First World War and Second World War. The scenario may look slightly distinct from the past but the root cause is the same – the vested interest – jealously pursued by competing powers. Now, the US and the West are on one side and Russia-China… Read More »Collapsing world order to ignite future conflict

Geopolitical shift could change boundaries in South Asia

CASS-India Analyst INTRODUCTION: With the shift of global order for a new geo-strategic architecture in the world, it has created new impact on Asian continent. The South Asian region is going to be a new battleground for competition among top ranking powers in the world. While India is leading the charge, China-US-EU-Russia and Gulf nations are also trying to have their foothold to advance their political interests. The geo-economic interests are going to take over… Read More »Geopolitical shift could change boundaries in South Asia

Changing geopolitics may cause further uncertainty

REMA MURLITHARAN/MILITARY ANALYST INTRODUCTION: Series of global events in recent time have suggested that more turbulent time could be ahead due to lack of consensus among top ranking powers in the world. This is breaking institutions which were created in the post-World War-2 period to make balance of power intact and bring course corrections in regional and international politics to prevent disputes from turning into conflicts. This has clearly been failed. But what is the… Read More »Changing geopolitics may cause further uncertainty