Prime Minister Narendra Modi has completed one year in office. The prospect is far better than where Congress led UPA had left the establishment. Upon his completion of first year, there is a lot of talkabout his report card. In democracy this is absolutely normal. But Delhi’s power circle whom the PM dislikes the most, is unhappy. They arequite upset that their business is going to face a dark prospect. That prompted them to undo what Modi has done or trying to do in future. Delhi is a city of dalals and this culture was created during Mughal rule. Subsequently the British used it to the fullest extent as part of divide and rule policy.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has completed one year in office. The prospect is far better than where Congress led UPA had left the establishment. Upon his completion of first year, there is a lot of talk about his report card. In democracy this is absolutely normal. But Delhi’s power circle whom the PM dislikes the most, is unhappy. They are quite upset that their business is going to face a dark prospect. That prompted them to undo what Modi has done or trying to do in future. Delhi is a city of dalals and this culture was created during Mughal rule. Subsequently the British used it to the fullest extent as part of divide and rule policy.
Since the dalals belong to no one and they have no loyalty, all those who wanted to rule India from Delhi with their help, had fallen as a disaster.
Their meteoric rise had subsequently merely inserted a page in history with their ignominious fall. Rest is well documented in history. PM Modi is perhaps aware about it.
So far he has treaded cautiously by restricting his ministers and leaders to keep off from such cultures. But he can do it or rather enforce it as long as he is strong.
In the process he will gain some and lose few. Similarly, he will make mistakes on some fronts while deliver on other fronts.
Because life is not mathematics, nor there is any published theory from which he can draw all the lessons. He will have to create, experiment, adore and destroy.
This is a complex game. Thus, Modi’s success will be closely linked with India’s success. Even if all this come true, India’s success story will be founded by him but he may not survive in office to see it like Ronald Reagan.
Indeed, Reagan single handedly changed the course of history and salvage the spirit of the American society but he could not see all the success story for which he worked tirelessly.
In one year, the bright part of Modi’s success is he has single handedly checked corruption in PMO, the center-stage of all kinds of massive state corruption. He has made ministries out of bound for dalals and political brokers.
No doubt he has paid a price for it. Now some are after his life and some corporate houses are financing dead political forces within RSS and opposition parties to snub Modi and topple him if necessary.
Quite a few communal riots and farmer suicide cases were stage managed. The aim was to destroy the image of Modi. But people of India are different now with the spread of information revolution.
Their judgement is based on action of a man than talk. This will keep Congress party, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and their cronies out of power for at least 10 years from now. Because Modi is still not on decline mode nor he is unpopular in the eyes of the masses.
Modi’s mistakes may be forgiven as he is sincere and honest. In life hard work always pays, may be sometimes little late. The bright example is the test case of Land Bill.
In fact, Congress brought Land Bill to favor its cronies but Modi wants to bring this bill to industrialize India. He was elected by people to create jobs. Without land for industry there will be no job creation. But Congress wants to make it a weapon.
The days of dirty politics of Congress are over. Now India is on the course to achieve its due place. The change of power has given lot of hopes. India’s fundamentals are strong. All types of mineral resources are available and a huge human resource potential is gaining ground.
It is the mismanagement that deprived India its rightful place. Modi has understood that if he does not perform he may not get a second chance, nor his work will be appreciated. The GDP which touched below 3.5 per cent during UPA, it has bounced to 7.3 per cent.
The forex reserve is showing an upward trend and the CAD is being arrested on a war footing manner. The inflation which was not showing any decline earlier, is now falling into place but it will take some more time. On diplomatic front, Modi has proved that he is ahead of all past Indian leaders.
His way is not slogan mongering but result oriented. He is pragmatic, may not be visionary. India needs the former qualities in a leader than the latter at this stage. Once the success story attains a certain height, then perhaps one can think of a visionary.
Modi’s initiatives to integrate South Asia and pursue an act East Asia policy could derive a rich bonanza later on. His Look West policy will also usher in a great dividend for India.
His ‘make in India’ needs some further corrections if he wants quick result, or else he will have to go for trial and error method which will kill precious time.
Over all, Modi has not yet created a great success story but his hard work and sincerity is visible. If he hooks onto the ongoing course then he will reach somewhere, perhaps where no one has gone before.