Egypt is burning. But the situation will not change forbetter dramatically in coming days. The country is passing through its mostdifficult time. Indeed, Morsi failed and the Army intervened. But the Egyptiansociety will get further divided and this will lead to violence. An unstableEgypt is bad for the whole region. Egypt is the only country in the region thatenjoys considerable influence in both Asia and Africa.
Egypt is burning. But the situation will not change forbetter dramatically in coming days. The country is passing through its mostdifficult time. Indeed, Morsi failed and the Army intervened. But the Egyptiansociety will get further divided and this will lead to violence. An unstableEgypt is bad for the whole region. Egypt is the only country in the region thatenjoys considerable influence in both Asia and Africa.
Egypt has always experimented with new ideas among the Arabworld but this time it appears to be a quite expensive one which has led to agreat division in the whole society. Nowthe people are getting increasingly confused which path to choose.
Supporters of the deposed President Mohammed Morsi who haveoccupied around the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque in Nasr City in Cairo are blamingthe Egyptian military which called the final shot on Morsi under the pretextthat Egypt is drifting to a failed state under his leadership.
There may be some truth in what is going on in Egypt andEgyptian military’s perception. No doubt, Morsi went too far building his ownimage than taking care of problems at hand and fulfilling promises.
Also, it is a fact that revolution, rather popular streetdemonstrations, does not necessarily bring good results always. The army hasappealed for calm and says it wants to protect every Egyptian.
But no one is sure how much it will be heard. The EgyptianArmy is by far more organized and quite equivalent to Turkish military. Itshierarchy is strong and follows a good length of discipline. It howevermaintains a great honor with long tradition.
All this may not help to ease the situation with mere appealat a time when no one listens to the other. If Morsi’s experimentation withdemocracy has failed, it may also send the same fate to the Egyptian Army if itgoes beyond a point.
The Army is changing the balance of politics but it shouldnot stick to power too long and go back to barracks as soon as possible. Nowthe choice is will it accept the new incumbent with honor?
The army should be cautions that it should never standagainst its own people. The day it becomes people versus the Army that willcast a disaster for the whole region.
The Army should work on bringing calm and declare electionswith affirmative dates with proper composition. Any delay in the process ofrule of law will lead to a civil war. Egypt may be a civilization but it is aninfant in its effort to introduce real democracy.
Egypt’s success with democracy will certainly inspireAfricans and Arab world. But its failure will bring disaster for both thecontinents at a time when the region is passing through great upheavals.