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Changing geopolitics may cause further uncertainty



Series of global events in recent time have suggested that more turbulent time could be ahead due to lack of consensus among top ranking powers in the world. This is breaking institutions which were created in the post-World War-2 period to make balance of power intact and bring course corrections in regional and international politics to prevent disputes from turning into conflicts. This has clearly been failed. But what is the alternative. There is a need to reorganize global security and economic bodies responsible for maintaining peace and harmony. The UNO which was dedicatedly created for this purpose has already lost its relevance for decades.


The global power matrix today witnesses two sets of power in the world – emerging powers and existing powers. While many new emerging powers are trying to take their rightful positions in international politics, the existing powers mostly are declining powers unwilling to vacate the seat or accommodate them into the fold.

As a result, many decisions which are taken either with majority voice vote or through general consensus are not yielding satisfactory results. The case in point is global climate problem which is affecting many nations regardless of big or small. Yet, no one is ready to take concrete steps.

It was loud and visible at the CoP-27 summit where biggest polluters have refused to take responsibility rather they have asked smaller nations to pay for the climate challenges.

Now a country like Pakistan which has been devastated by recent flood will have to share the climate burden although its pollution share is less than 0.1 per cent, in contrary, Pakistan should have received help from global polluters responsible for climate crisis.

In fact, the demand for increasing number of permanent members at the UNSC is going on for too long. Nothing substantial has happened. No one is ready to share power. Perhaps power is never shared, rather taken out forcibly. But the UN expansion issue only crops up when there is a sanction regime to be enforced against a particular nation.

The power balance which was created in the fifties has already shifted in favor of new members at the ground level. But it is yet to be recognized and a rightful action should be taken without any delay.

Without a comprehensive reform of global monitoring bodies and respect for rule of law, the global order is at a cross road. The multi polarity is knocking at the doors of existing powers to open the gates for others.

It will be prudent to accept the reality and changing geopolitics rather than turning a blind eye or buying time for another day.