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Foreign policy challenges

The surprising victory of Donald Trump as the next US President elect, defying all expert predictions, has sent the whole world into shock. While some people and world leaders have displayed their surprise and called Trump’s election as a disaster for the West, few segment has cheered his win and are looking forward to his leadership. Though it cannot be denied that Trump gave a tough competition to Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party Presidential candidate,… Read More »Foreign policy challenges

Impact on Gulf of Aden

In view of escalating tension in Yemen, the Gulf of Aden is witnessing a strong surge of rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia and if not timely intervened then it may lead to a naval blockade against Iran in near future. Iran seems to be aware of the situation. Last month, twice and possibly a third time, US Navy ships on patrol in the Gulf of Aden were attacked by sophisticated cruise missiles. The American… Read More »Impact on Gulf of Aden

China’s engagement with Africa

China is in Africa for economic reasons. China is home to more than 19 percent of the world’s population but only six percent of the world’s land area. More than 500 million Chinese live on less than $2.50 a day. The country must remain on a high growth trajectory in order to raise these people to middle-income status. An annual growth rate of seven percent, considered a bare minimum by China, requires enormous quantities of… Read More »China’s engagement with Africa

Pakistan-Afghanistan border

The violent clash between border forces of Afghanistan and Pakistan at Torkham crossing may appear to have ended, but it reflects a deep rooted disconnect between these two South Asian neighbors. Though the clashes in Torkham were triggered by the construction of a border post by Pakistan on its side, the border tensions are a symptom of a larger bilateral problem which if not tackled timely may have big and irreparable consequences. Tensions have been… Read More »Pakistan-Afghanistan border

China-Pakistan border patrol

The joint Sino-Pak military patrol in north Jammu and Kashmir is essentially a method of formalizing an annexation of the Gilgit-Baltistan segment of Jammu and Kashmir into a joint ownership arrangement. It has to be read with the rigging of the elections in that portion of the former princely State and the pre-positioning of several thousand Chinese personnel of the People’s Liberation Army in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir for laying the foundations of the road-rail-pipeline Economic Corridor… Read More »China-Pakistan border patrol

Maintaining peace in SCS

China has got biggest shock to its emerging global superpower image and faced international embarrassment when the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague ruled recently that China did not have historic rights to the South China Sea and that it had breached Philippine sovereignty by endangering its ships and fishing and oil projects in the energy-rich waters. The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) has issued a sweeping verdict in favor of the Philippines in… Read More »Maintaining peace in SCS

India-Oman engagements

The Sultanate of Oman is a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and is well-known for its open market policies and an investor-friendly regime. Owing to its strategic location of being in the southeast coast of the Arabian Peninsula, the country has enjoyed a historical significance in global maritime trade since the ancient times. Oman has a rich maritime history with evidences in historical discourses dating back to the first century AD when Yalainous,… Read More »India-Oman engagements

Modi’s visit to Africa

In order to strengthen India’s economic linkages, PM Mozdi recently travelled to four African nations, a direct indication of India’s shifting policy towards Africa and projecting itself as a trusted strategic partner of the continent. As it is evident that over the coming decade, global security challenges will necessitate combined efforts by states to manage threats and maximize opportunities. Among the most significant challenges that India and Africa will face in particular, are reforms in… Read More »Modi’s visit to Africa

India’s cooperation in Pacific

As the churning in South China Sea gradually develops into a face to face rivalry between the big powers, India will soon have to take a call on the pressures being applied to come out openly whether they want to align with the big powers. That China has aggravated the tension in the region with unilateral militarization through new artificial air bases and missile squadrons is undeniable and well known along with India’s stand that… Read More »India’s cooperation in Pacific

Afghanistan needs military leadership

If materialized, the creation of large-scale militias could plunge the country back into civil war, undo achievements in establishing conventional national forces, and divide the country into several fiefdoms controlled by militia commanders. Abdul Rashid Dostum, the current first vice president; Mohammad Mohaqiq, the deputy chief executive; and Atta Mohammad Noor, the governor of Balk province are some of the major politicians who have been publicly vouching for the rearmament of their loyalists. Reports from… Read More »Afghanistan needs military leadership