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NBC equipments and protective shelters

The military modernization of China has surprised every country in the world. The best thing about the whole modernization process of Chinese military is that they are preparing themselves to counter any kind of futuristic threats. China is having border dispute with many countries in the region but with India it is a serious bone of contention. The changing requirement of modern battlefield has increased the risks coming from unexpected and deadly threats. The new… Read More »NBC equipments and protective shelters

Future warfare

The Indian Navy’s anti-submarine warfare department began operations with fixed wing aircraft operating from on board India’s first aircraft carrier, the INS Vikrant. The French Alize aircraft was the backbone of the anti-submarine protection provided to the aircraft carrier task force in both peacetime and during hostilities. The advantage lay in the Alize’s dual capability of striking ground targets and surface ships which was used to pick off smaller Pakistani vessels after the aircraft carrier… Read More »Future warfare

UCAV in warfare

As the modern battlefield becomes unmanned and electro-optic driven, the dependence on artificial intelligence is changing the face of the warfare as the next big war will be fought through a robotic concept to avoid human casualty. Along with the rapid development of computer, communication, information fusion and artificial intelligence technology, the technology restrained the development of UAV problem will be solved one by one. The UAV and UCAV are accelerating, as an indispensable weapon… Read More »UCAV in warfare

Hypersonic technologies

As the modern warfare is getting hi-tech, there is a growing crave for investment into military capacity building to strengthen missile defence and sharpen attack capabilities by employing hypersonic missiles which can fast penetrate into enemy systems with lightening speed. In order to increase the capabilities of modern missiles and missile defence systems, leading militaries are investing significantly in research and development which has led to the development of technologies to enhance the speed, accuracy… Read More »Hypersonic technologies

Anti missile defence

India has been working on setting up an anti-missile defence (ABM) shield against nuclear-tipped missiles for several decades. In its Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme the Defence Research and Development Organisation has achieved success in a series of surface-to-surface missiles with ranges that now cover all of Pakistan and most (including Beijing and Shanghai) of its mentor China. With the failure of the Trishul short-range, quick reaction surface-to-air missile for ship point defence India turned… Read More »Anti missile defence

Modernising submarine fleet

With both its conventional as well as nuclear powered submarine production lines well on stream India will have to decide what percentage of the entire Indian Navy fleet will have to be either diesel electric/air-independent propulsion and which types of surface vessels will have to be converted to nuclear propulsion. This factor will dictate the extent of its regional footprint and hence its power-projection capability. The true worth of the Indian Navy will be judged… Read More »Modernising submarine fleet

Capabilities of Special Forces

Whatever else that is happening to the elite Special Forces of India one hears a lot about ‘restructuring’ and ‘reorganisation’ even as signs of modernisation are apparent in the acquisition of a specialist aircraft for the kinds of jobs they have to do. The surgical strike conducted by Indian Special Forces against facilities in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, used as forming up areas and launch pads for terrorists, has drawn attention to the unique capabilities that are… Read More »Capabilities of Special Forces

Effective assault rifle

The tactic that helped the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance gain political ascendancy during and after the Rajiv Gandhi involvement in the Bofors howitzer scandal appears set to haunt the Narendra Modi-led NDA in its attempts to buy assault rifles for the Indian Army. Both episodes have but one fatal consequence for the Indian Army and the nation-self-inflicted delays in acquisition. From the un-thought-through advice of then Army Chief Gen KrishnaswamiSundarji to scrap the Bofors deal… Read More »Effective assault rifle

Countering CBRN attacks

India has long had expertise in creating and using nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) weapons. But it has voluntarily abjured the use of these weapons and has destroyed its biological and chemical weapons stockpiles and facilities in keeping with the Biological and Chemical Weapons Conventions. However, it has retained and deployed its nuclear weapons with the clear provisos that it would not be the first to use them and (what has hitherto proved to be… Read More »Countering CBRN attacks

Next revolution in UUV

In view of recent tremendous efforts made by some leading naval scientists and engineers who are working tirelessly to develop a series of credible unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) technologies, the militaries are looking for new ways to engage the enemy in a 21st century battlefield scenario by using artificial intelligence. All over the world the new trend is to deal with a threat from unmanned platform so that the casualties are less or zero but… Read More »Next revolution in UUV